  1. Arrows

From the recording Arrows


Aim the arrows
Bullseye's the goal
Find the way home
Body to mind to soul
Aim the arrows
Bullseye's the goal
Find the way home
Body to mind to soul
Aim the arrows
Bullseye's the goal
Find the way home
Body to mind to soul
Aim the arrows
Bullseye's the goal
Find the way home
Body to mind to soul

I roam through mazes
Going through phases
Making mistakes is
Part of the stages
Difficult to learn,
Learn our lessons
Emotions are
so contagious,
stay calm for
self reflections
it can seem so outrageous

Aim the arrows
Bullseye's the goal
Find the way home
Body to mind to soul
Aim the arrows
Bullseye's the goal
Find the way home
Body to mind to soul

Separate from the Sessions
Drive of the anger, root of the question
At the corner of Why and Where intersection
To choose our life's direction
Constantly arriving at a cross roads
Small decision, life rearranges
Take time, move slow
Because they combine to form big changes

Aim the arrows
Bullseye's the goal
Find the way home
Body to mind to soul
Aim the arrows
Bullseye's the goal
Find the way home
Body to mind to soul

Yearn for more to know
Learn from more to grow
Mistakes can build up pros
to stand up like tippy toes
Its all good as the saying goes
rigorously strive for liberation
fit the mold like play dough
then break it like emancipation

Aim the arrows
Bullseye's the goal
Find the way home
Body to mind to soul
Aim the arrows
Bullseye's the goal
Find the way home
Body to mind to soul

Forget the keep up with Jones' tempation
Compliance for comfort can lead to frustration
Strive to find the value in most situations
We're all together in this Universe like One
Nation, under God
The same sun, moon and stars
Wars between those of the same population?
For status, money, homes with yards and cars
True happiness is the real subject deserving our contemplation

Aim the arrows
Bullseye's the goal
Find the way home
Body to mind to soul
Aim the arrows
Bullseye's the goal
Find the way home
Body to mind to soul...